

Koperasi Batik Batari

I got a job from one of the cooperatives in Solo, and I was assigned to create a company profile website, which included information about the company, cooperative members, gallery, and news about the cooperative..


One of the group assignments (I was assigned to do the coding) from my school, was to create a project with the theme of plane and train tickets.


I got a project from UGM which collaborates with my school, to create a project using API and Next JS for websites and Android Studio for cars and it was done as a group, so we decided to create a website and Android for a learning course, which we called Stemdu (STM Education). I act here as the front end on the website. For the features on the website, there is a home page to introduce the website, and there is a dashboard which includes attendance features, class list, teacher list, lesson list, etc.

Gemar Baca Application

I got a passing exam from school to create a library created using flutter and mobile based api as well as individually created. I named my application "Gemar Baca", for the api I used express and for the front end I used flutter according to the exam rules. for my application features, there is a home to display the newest books, books with the highest ratings, borrowing history, etc., as for the category and genre page, it displays books according to category and genre, there is a bookmark page that is used to bookmark books, and there is an edit profile page there. profile, and application version. In the application there is also a dashboard for admin and library staff, why does the application have a password? because this is written in the exam regulations. The features themselves are the same as the user, but this has CRUD.

My Portfolio

I'm trying to create my first responsive portfolio.

Portfolio V2

I have studied the JavaScript framework in the form of Next JS, and I am trying to create a new portfolio using the Next JS that I have learned.